Title: Echo
Author: Francesca Lia Block
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pub. Date: August 1, 2001
Length: 222 Pages
Summary (from goodreads):
Francesca Lia Block has charmed and amazed young audiences with tales of the mystical and ethereal. This outstanding story is no different. Following the life of Echo, an L.A. baby born to an artistic dad and a mom who's an angel, this enthralling story offers more than fairy dust and the supernatural. It tells the tale of a girl who feels doomed to be less than angelic, at least in comparison with her mother. Mom's startling beauty and aura enchant all who meet her, and Echo can never keep up. Desperate to be loved as much, and maybe find her own identity, she escapes to the boys in her life. Ultimately, she must rely on herself for the strength to survive. Simple text ands story lines do not appeal to Block, who weaves a tale with amazing grace and the flowing energy of a true genius. Images of vampires, ghosts, and fairies fill these pages, daring the reader to believe. Told from the point of view of Echo and the key players in her life, the story imparts a dreamlike quality to Echo's life. This a novel layered with pain beauty, and triumph, all which will appeal to young readers.
My Thoughts: I loved this book for obvious reasons. One, of course, being that its written by Francesca Lia Block, one of my favorite authors at the moment. Echo is a lovely little book written in a unique style, like all of Francesca's novels. And, like all of my reviews of her books, I can't resist including a quote.
Many people say that while they love Block's beautiful descriptions etc., overall they just don't like her books because they're vague outlines of stories that could have gone much deeper. I have to agree that her novels can tend to have a bit of an underdeveloped plot line, however, I still love each one of her books I've read. I don't know why, maybe because its so different, but the way her stories are written really appeals to me. Yes, I can get a bit confused at times, but I get past that confusion and love it anyway.
Author: Francesca Lia Block
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pub. Date: August 1, 2001
Length: 222 Pages
Summary (from goodreads):
Francesca Lia Block has charmed and amazed young audiences with tales of the mystical and ethereal. This outstanding story is no different. Following the life of Echo, an L.A. baby born to an artistic dad and a mom who's an angel, this enthralling story offers more than fairy dust and the supernatural. It tells the tale of a girl who feels doomed to be less than angelic, at least in comparison with her mother. Mom's startling beauty and aura enchant all who meet her, and Echo can never keep up. Desperate to be loved as much, and maybe find her own identity, she escapes to the boys in her life. Ultimately, she must rely on herself for the strength to survive. Simple text ands story lines do not appeal to Block, who weaves a tale with amazing grace and the flowing energy of a true genius. Images of vampires, ghosts, and fairies fill these pages, daring the reader to believe. Told from the point of view of Echo and the key players in her life, the story imparts a dreamlike quality to Echo's life. This a novel layered with pain beauty, and triumph, all which will appeal to young readers.
My Thoughts: I loved this book for obvious reasons. One, of course, being that its written by Francesca Lia Block, one of my favorite authors at the moment. Echo is a lovely little book written in a unique style, like all of Francesca's novels. And, like all of my reviews of her books, I can't resist including a quote.
Many people say that while they love Block's beautiful descriptions etc., overall they just don't like her books because they're vague outlines of stories that could have gone much deeper. I have to agree that her novels can tend to have a bit of an underdeveloped plot line, however, I still love each one of her books I've read. I don't know why, maybe because its so different, but the way her stories are written really appeals to me. Yes, I can get a bit confused at times, but I get past that confusion and love it anyway.