Title: Fixing Delilah
Author: Sarah Ockler
Publisher: Little, Brown
Pub. Date: December 1, 2010
Length: 320 Pages
Summary (from goodreads):
Things in Delilah Hannaford's life have a tendency to fall apart.
She used to be a good student, but she can't seem to keep it together anymore. Her "boyfriend" isn't much of a boyfriend. And her mother refuses to discuss the fight that divided their family eight years ago. Falling apart, it seems, is a Hannaford tradition.
Over a summer of new friendships, unexpected romance, and moments that test the complex bonds between mothers and daughters, Delilah must face her family's painful past. Can even her most shattered relationships be pieced together again?
Rich with emotion, Sarah Ockler delivers a powerful story of family, love, and self-discovery.
My Thoughts: "
We all long for what could have been." This is a quote repeated several times throughout Fixing Delilah, one that I really love. Having not yet read Ockler's debut Twenty Boy Summer, I was pleasantly surprised by her lyrical yet simple way of writing and the rhythm the events were woven together. She certainly knows how to write her stories and make fantastic characters; Delilah was wonderful and had me captivated from the start.
Despite how much I loved Delilah's character, she is not my favorite of the book. Patrick is. I think those of you who have already read Fixing Delilah can figure out why and can agree that he is definitely crush-worthy. And for those of you who haven't read it and are looking for why, I'm not telling. I loved learning who Patrick was, his personality, etc. by myself and want it to be the same for you guys too.
For me, Fixing Delilah is one of those books that really means a lot, but in a quiter, less standout way; but a favorite nonetheless. I'm looking out for Sarah's other books with no doubt that they will be nothing short of amazing.